Source code for config_yourself.provider.kms

# Copyright 2018 Blink Health LLC

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


import re
import boto3
import botocore
from config_yourself.exceptions import InvalidConfig, ConfigException
from .base import CryptoService

[docs]class Service(CryptoService): """The original KMS CryptoService This provider does not need ``secrets``, and will use the AWS default credential chain to get credentials. """ def __init__(self, config, _secrets): # secrets are ignored by the kms provider self._client = None self._region = None self._key = None self._setup_client(config) def _setup_client(self, crypto): # Setup the region for kms by looking at `crypto.region` and fallback on parsing # the key ARN and extracting the region from it try: region = crypto.get("region", None) except AttributeError as e: # When the crypto property exists, but is not a dict, we raise this error. raise InvalidConfig(original=e) try: if not region and "key" in crypto and ":" in crypto["key"]: # try and fetch the region name from the key's arn if specified # arn:aws:kms:{region}:{account}:{key_name} arn = crypto["key"].split(":") if len(arn) == 6: region = crypto["key"].split(":")[3] else: raise IndexError except TypeError: # crypto.key is not a string, which is likely a pebkac error! msg = ( "crypto.key is not a string, " "please remove the crypto property if no encryption is needed" ) raise InvalidConfig(message=msg) except IndexError: # crypto.key is likely in the non fq ARN alias/form msg = ( "Could not parse region name from crypto.key. Please ensure you have " "specified a fully-qualifed KSM key ARN to replace `{}` before continuing".format( crypto["key"] ) ) raise InvalidConfig(message=msg) if not region or region == "": # region not set or empty msg = ( "Unable to resolve AWS region to query when decrypting. " "Please use specify a full KMS key ARN in `crypto.key` or set a specific region " "by adding a `crypto.region`" ) raise InvalidConfig(message=msg) self._region = region self._key = crypto["key"] self._client = boto3.client("kms", region_name=self._region)
[docs] def decrypt(self, ciphertext): try: res = self._client.decrypt(CiphertextBlob=ciphertext) return res["Plaintext"] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response["Error"]["Code"] == "AccessDeniedException": # when we get this error, the most likely case is region mismatch or bonafide # permission error, let's make this error helpful by showing which credentials # we tried to use during decryption try: creds = boto3.client( "sts", region_name=self._region ).get_caller_identity()["Arn"] except Exception: creds = None raise KMSDecryptError( str(self._region), self._key, creds=creds, original=e ) else: raise
[docs]class KMSDecryptError(ConfigException): def __init__(self, region, key, creds=None, original=None): msg = "" if original: msg = "{}. ".format(original) msg += "Failed to decrypt in region <{}> with key <{}>".format(region, key) if creds: msg += " using credentials <{}>".format(creds) else: msg += " with no known credentials" self.message = msg super(KMSDecryptError, self).__init__(msg)